Accepting Student Loans on Wings

How to View Your Financial Aid Award and Accept or Decline Student Loans in WINGS

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  1. Sign into 
  2. In the WINGS Box, click on Student Information
  3. Click on Financial Aid
  4. Choose the correct Award Year
  5. Click on Award Offer
  6. Scroll Down until you see Accept Award Offer.  The amounts shown are the maximum amounts you are eligible to receive based on your grade level and dependency status.  You must accept all Federal Stafford Subsidized loans before it will allow you to accept the Federal Stafford Unsubsidized loans.
  7. Click Select. Choose to Accept, Decline, or Modify the award amount.  If you choose to Accept or Decline, you are accepting /declining the full amount, split as shown on the screen, between the fall and spring semesters.  If you choose to Modify, the amount entered will be split evenly between fall and spring.  Please note you cannot modify the amount to a higher amount than awarded.
  8. Click Submit

Please Note:

  • If you have submitted your decision, and then need to make adjustments to your loan amounts, you will need to contact our office.
  • If you are planning to attend the Summer term, you may want to accept partial amounts for fall and spring so that you might have aid remaining for the summer term.